- Activities for learning for living While this resource was originally developed for National Lutheran Schools Week in 2006, it contains many useful ideas for tuning into or exploring and digging deeper into concepts related to the CSCF Christian Living key idea: Christians believe that God creates people to live in relationship with him and with each other. The suggested ideas can be adapted and modified to suit specific unit and classroom contexts.
- Studying the Book of Job This worksheet is used in a Year 8 Christian Studies unit. Studying Job in the Bible helps us understand that everyone has troubles. We face problems, affliction, suffering and hardship. We need strength, endurance and patience. The aim for this unit was to discuss and analyse: Why do people suffer? Are all trials the result of sin committed by the one who suffers? Why does God allow trials, worries, anxieties and difficulties? Should we blame God and turn from Him? Can troubles and suffering actually make us better people? Is it possible to faithfully endure our difficulties? What solutions does the Bible offer to help us endure and overcome our problems, afflictions and hardships?
- CL 1.1 Resources for planning This collection is designed to assist with the resourcing, planning and teaching of a unit of work based on the first Key Idea of the Christian Living strand: CL1 'Christians believe that God creates people to live in relationship with him and with each other.’
- CL 4.1 Perceptions of Identity and relationships The tasks support student inquiry into perceptions of identity and relationships, and how God sees and seeks a relationship with each person. The tasks were designed with Year 8 students in mind.
- CL 4.3 In equalities between the peoples of the world The tasks support student inquiry into inequalities between the peoples of the world and the Christian’s call by God to be co-caretaker of his created world. The tasks were designed with Year 8 students in mind.
- CL Humility Resource Humility is one of the ten core values for living in community that is described in the values statement of A vision for learners and learning in Lutheran schools. An attitude of humility is inextricably linked to and a prerequisite for love and service. This resource provides material that can be utilised in an inquiry unit embedded in the Christian Living key idea: Christians are called to love and serve all people. It offers ideas for exploring humility from the following perspectives: what it looks like, what it sounds like, what it feels like, what it thinks like in the lived reality of both studetns and the world of the student.