How does Lutheran education live out its spirituality?
Lutheran schools and early childhood services provide a range of opportunities for all staff and students to be engaged in learning about, and experiencing, Christian spirituality. It is our prayer that staff and students will find these opportunities and experiences helpful in their personal spiritual journey.
Staff and students experience Christian spirituality through practices such as whole school or ECS worship, staff devotions, class or pastoral care group devotions and staff retreats. Staff have the opportunity to learn about Christian spirituality through courses such as Connect and Equip and ongoing formation opportunities provided by the school. Students learn about Christian spirituality through their learning, experiences and relationships in the school or ECS and specifically in the key learning area, Christian Studies.
Your Connect facilitator will describe the Christian experiences that you will be involved in at your school or ECS and introduce you to key staff who will provide support for you.
The LEA website provides information that will orient you to these practices. After exploring the areas that involve you, record your thinking and what you would like to know more about.