The Lutheran Church of Australia is passionate about providing high quality education to grow and nurture students in a way that serves them throughout their life.
The Lutheran school as a place of ministry and mission
Lutheran schools belong to a broad community of people striving to create safe places in which people grow and reach their full potential. Accountability and transparency are key elements to providing a stable and trusted school system that continues to serve with excellence.
A snapshot of the broader Lutheran community:
We resource the Lutheran Church of Australia through challenging and vibrant learning opportunities and educational programs. We provide for you non-accredited learning opportunities, VET training programs, graduate and post-graduate degrees, and awards in theology and education. We also partner with church and school communities throughout south-east Asia.
08 7120 8200
We enable the Lutheran family in Australia to support communities working towards freedom from poverty and injustice. Students in Lutheran schools are motivated to action by ALWS Awareness Days, guest speakers, staff professional development and overseas study tours.
1300 763 407
We reach out with Jesus' message of hope through media. We produce videos, websites and booklets for your devotions, chapel services and classroom use.
1800 353 350
The Australian Lutheran Institute for Theology and Ethics is a research institute of Australian Lutheran College. We initiate, support and promote research projects based in Lutheran theology and ethics, and assist in their contemporary application within the Lutheran Church of Australia and beyond.
08 7120 8200
The Lutheran Laypeople's League is a Religious Charitable Development Fund operating savings accounts for members and supporters. These funds enable the LLL to provide low-interest loans to approved LCA projects for building and equipping Lutheran schools, churches and care facilities.
1800 556 457
We develop resources for the worship life of God's people wherever they gather in his name, including our schools. We also foster a biblical understanding and practice of Christian worship in all its varied forms.
08 8267 7300
We minister to over 6,000 Indigenous people in Central Australia. We own and operate Yirara College at Alice Springs, and operate the general store and tourist operations of the old Lutheran Mission Precinct at Hermannsburg. Your school is welcome to contact us about cross-cultural experiences.
We research and develop child, youth and family ministry resources for the Lutheran Church of Australia. We equip and encourage schools, congregations and districts in their ministry to children, youth and families.
08 8267 7344
We are a ministry of Australian Lutheran College providing non-accredited worships, seminars and resources to help equip, train and grow people for ministry or personal interest. We offer pre-packaged and custom-made training opportunities for individuals, schools and congregations and all other areas of church life.
The Church Worker Support Department works with congregations and other agencies to ensure that church workers are appropriately skilled, equipped, supported and resourced to undertake their mission and ministry service.
08 8267 7300
We encourage and support people from all walks of life to share the good news of Jesus Christ through words and actions, with people in our broken world.
In partnership with overseas churches, we support the work they are already doing to bring the message of hope in Jesus Christ to people in their countries and their near neighbours. Your school can be part of these transforming partnerships.
08 8267 7334
We are the national monthly magazine of the Lutheran Church of Australia. In The Lutheran you'll find more than news and views; you'll also find inspiring stories about schools, congregations and people, where God's love comes to life.
08 8237 7300
We preserve the memories of the church, including its schools and other educational institutions, through photographs, timetables, roll books, primers and documents. Students can come for a tour, research projects, and the archivists can assist history, German and religion teachers compile resources.
08 8340 4009
Lutheran Super is a not-for-profit fund established by the Lutheran Church of Australia to provide excellent superannuation benefits with competitive fees for its employees. Lutheran Super is a fund that meets your super needs now and into the future.
08 8267 7338
We provide care and support for older people in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. Our facilities cater for those who are still fit and active through to those who require palliative care. There are great opportunities for students and the elderly to interact in mutually beneficial ways. Contact the CEO or chaplain of an aged care service near your school.