Calvary Lutheran Primary School is a small school with big ideas and high expectations. It is a stand-alone primary school with kindergarten and OSHC facilities on site.
But there’s something else that makes Calvary specifically unique.
Their grants projects.
In many schools in South Australia, teachers and students dream big but school funding means they are unable to make their dreams a reality.
That’s where grants come in.
There are two types of grants: government and independent.
A government grant is funding awarded to a school for the implementation of a specific project. Independent grants function similarly but come from independent funding sources.
Calvary has been a recipient of both. They have received grants through the Association of Independent Schools of South Australia (AISSA), and through local and federal governments.
Just look at Calvary’s impressive litany of achievements:
Breakfast Club
Calvary has implemented a breakfast club, ensuring every child begins their school day with the most important meal. They have partnered with agencies such as Foodbank and OzHarvest and can ensure all school families are cared for.
Speech and psych assessments
Through OSHC they have been able to provide speech and educational psychology assessments, and therapy through play. Without private health, families cannot access these much-needed resources. The alternative is a waiting list for public assessment – a standard wait time of 2-3 years – which for most families, is just too late. Families also can’t get a NDIS package without this assessment.
Butterfly Garden
Students have planted a self-sustaining butterfly garden, featuring over 170 plants and attracting all manner of insects and fauna. This garden has increased student wellbeing and has been instrumental in demonstrating sustainability, care for our common home.
Solar Panels
Calvary has used a government capital funding grant for solar panel installation. Aside from reducing their environmental footprint, this also provides an educational component about solar, renewables, and energy storage. This is incorporated into the senior student’s curriculum, in physics and citizenship, creation and stewardship.
Breakfast club, butterfly garden, speech and educational psych assessments, play therapy, solar panels… these would not have been a reality without independent and government grants.
Just think what your school could achieve.
To keep up with the latest information on government grants, consider reading the below and applying today:
Australian Government Community Grants
Australian Government Grant Connect
You can also apply for independent grants through the Lutheran Church of Australia. Two grant streams are the Local Mission Fund and Borgfeldt Legacy.
Local Mission Fund grant applications close on 26 August, so get in fast.
Borgfeldt Legacy application close on 30 September.