For those of you hanging out for 2020 to be behind you, Good News! The new year is already here. The church year starts on the first Sunday in advent which was last week. Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ our saviour who has already loved us, already saved us, already given us the gift of peace.
Here on earth now we are always searching, seeking, journeying, not arriving. The gospel is the ultimate destination while the journey is now. And what a wonderful journey it is as we walk together, one in the body of Christ, supported and encouraged by each other. Thank you to everyone in Lutheran education for being part of the journey for each other, especially when the road has taken such unexpected turns as in 2020.
I hope you find a way to rest, refresh and renew over the Christmas holidays. Together we look forward to continuing to make our schools, early childhood services, and communities places where love and learning come to life.
May peace, hope, love and joy be with you,