Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities where
grace abounds. While recognising the brokenness of humanity,
they reflect the unconditional love of the Father,
revealed through the saving work of his Son, Jesus.
Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities of hope,
nurtured by the promises of God’s word, love and forgiveness
which empower staff and students to embrace the future with confidence.
Growing deep: Our foundation
Pastoral care is the expression of caring partnership between the school community (students, staff, families), the Christian church and the wider community. It integrates the academic, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions so that an environment of care pervades the entire school community.
Pastoral care encompasses three important elements: emotional support, behavior management and restorative practices and structured curriculum time for social, emotional and spiritual development and service.
Pastoral care is central to the culture of Lutheran education as it actively supports its mission and ministry. It permeates all aspects of life in the school or ECS and builds genuine community.